Ausgabeprogramm Griechenland 2013

Oh! Zu früh geschimpft. Heute ist die Pythagoras gekommen. Tja, ich hätte nichts dagegen gehabt, nur EINMAL Porto zu bezahlen, statt 2x15...
Boah ey! Auf mein Anfragen hin kam folgende Antwort:

Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that in general orders are priced separately as it is very difficult to combine them especially if the time period between them is over a week.
We try to keep our data with the non delivered orders as update as possible but last month we had to deal with over 500 orders and it was quite difficult. That is why we ask our customers to mention if the have a pending order when they apply another one. In addition we had to deal with a fraction in our central server that leaded to many e- mail non reception ( I suspect that happened in your case too).
In any case I can make assure you that such matters will be dealt with more provision in the future.
Last but not least I would like to inform you that there is no official release date for the silver coin depicting Hippocrates yet.
Release dates and relevant info are posted in our website at this certain domain, as soon as available:
Commemorative - new editions.

Kind regards,
50 euro Mini Gold schon ausverkauft

Die neue 50 € Goldmünze Tiryns kann derzeit bei der BoG bestellt werden.
Morgen läuft die Frist für die 10 € Aischylos + Sokrates von 2012 aus.

Leider jetzt nicht mehr , ist schon restlos ausverkauft .
Es war in ganz Griechenland ein großer antrang .

Hippokrates, wo bleibst du?

Das Jahr ist bald rum und Hippokrates noch nicht da. Deswegen habe ich am Freitag mal angefragt und heute kam schon die Antwort... leider nichts Konkretes, aber schnell !

Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that the 10€ of HIPPOCRATES you refer to are not yet available. As soon as they become available they will be included in our official order form and it will be available for remote orders. Here is the link where you can find our official order forms:


You will then be able to order them.

Kind regards,
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