Neuigkeiten aus San Marino

Punkte Reaktionen
Hallo, ich habe am Freitag in San Marino per Mail angefragt, wie denn jetzt das weitere Procedere sei und folgende interessante und zugleich höchst befriedigende Auskunft erhalten:

<QUOTE><B>Dear Mr Willecke,

we took money from your credit card and we will send you the coins.

On the Internet pages you read they are giving false information, as we took money only from the customers to whom we were able to give the coins, if we weren't able to give the coins we didn't take the money, we refused the order.
If they check with the Visa company they will confirm that the money was taken (as the server took the money) but we have put it right back on their account on the same date, as we didn't accept the payment.

Sincerely yours,

Laura Cenci

Dann scheint ja alles gut zu gehen :) !!!

Viele Grüße

Dirk W.
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